News (2021)18 May 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Robotics and AI in medicine: from simple classification to autonomous systemsColloquium by Prof. Dr. Alexander Schlaefer, TUHH, Hamburg Tuesday, 18 May 2021 16:00, Zoom Meeting Abstract: Machine learning and particularly...10 May 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Guiding Scientific Simulators with Machine LearningColloquium by Dr. David Greenberg, Helmholtz Centre Hereon Geesthacht Monday, 10 May 2021 17:15, Zoom Meeting Abstract: Simulations are a...29 April 2021|VeranstaltungSymposium: zum 150. Geburtstag von William SternAnlage oder Umwelt – Warum Menschen unterschiedlich sind Wir erleben täglich, wie verschieden Personen auf ein und dieselbe Situation reagieren...28 April 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Disentanglement, Compositionality, Specification: Representation Learning with Generative Adversarial NetworksAbstract Learning good data representations is one of the most important tasks for machine learning. Generative adversarial nets (GANs) offer a...22 April 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Introducing JUNE - an open-source epidemiological simulationColloquium by Prof. Dr. Frank Krauss, Durham University Thursday, 22 April 2021 14:00, Zoom Meeting Abstract: We onstructed a detailed digital...24 March 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Periodicity, Surprisal, Attention: Skip Conditions for Recurrent Neural NetworksAbstract Recurrent neural networks are powerful models used for sequence learning. This thesis addresses the typical limitation of recurrent neural...19 March 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Wearable Haptic Technology for 3D Selection and GuidanceAbstract This thesis aims to improve usability in 3D selection tasks by using wearable haptic technology. We explore (i) the use of proximity-based...11 February 2021|CMLNew DFG project on Formation of crossmodal episodic memoryProf. Dr. Michael Rose, CML principal investigator in project B3, has acquired a new DFG-funded project titled "Relevance of neuronal pre-stimulus...2 February 2021|VeranstaltungNature Scientific Reports paper on CoViD-19 infections published A group of researchers including Prof. Dr. Jianwei Zhang, CML speaker and principal investigator in project A4, B5, Z1 and Z3, has published a...20 January 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Mechanisms of training-induced plasticity in the adult perceptual systemColloquium by Priv.Doz. Dr. Patrick Bruns Wednesday, 20 January 2021 16:15, Zoom Meeting Please contact the organizers for Zoom Meeting ID and...14 January 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Towards differentially private machine learningColloquium by Prof. Dr. Esfandiar Mohammadi, University of Lübeck Thursday, 14 January 2021 17:15, Zoom Meeting Abstract: Neural networks are...14 January 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Theory of Machine LearningColloquium by Prof. Dr. Ulrike von Luxburg Thursday, 14 January 2021 14:00, Zoom Meeting Zoom Meeting ID:...Previous articles