News (2021)15 December 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Neural Network Learning for Robust Speech RecognitionAbstract Recently, end-to-end architectures have been influential for modeling of automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems, which aim to directly...9 December 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Learning cellular state and dynamics in single cell genomicsColloquium by Fabians Theis, Helmholtz Center Munich Thursday, 9 December 2021 16:00, Zoom Meeting Abstract: Modeling cellular state as well as...1 December 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Data Selection for Statistical Machine TranslationAbstract Machine Translation (MT) is a current topic in the Computational Linguistics (CL) community. Training an MT model on a domain and using it...25 November 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Mathematical methods for modelling neural activity from EEGColloquium by Stefano Panzeri (ZMNH, Department of Excellence for Neural Information Processing, UKE) Thursday, 25 November 2021 16:00, Zoom Meeting ...25 November 2021|VeranstaltungCML Gender Equality Workshop 2021 We would like to announce a CML workshop for Gender Equality funded by DFG, taking place as an online (zoom) meeting on 25 November 2021. The...8 November 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Human-Robot Interaction in Augmented Virtuality: Perception, Cognition and Action in 360° Video-based Robotic Telepresence SystemAbstract Telepresence refers to a set of technologies, which enables humans to visit a remote environment (RE) and interact with people there...25 October 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Computer Audition: The latest Bucket List including Save the PlanetColloquium by Prof. Dr. Björn Schuller Abstract: Computer Audition (CA) is all about making machines listen – and understanding what they...13 October 2021|VeranstaltungRing Lecture: Introduction to Cognitive NeuroscienceRing Lecture: Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience Abstract: The lecture, organized by Prof. Brigitte Röder, gives an overview of essential...23 September 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Learning across 16 million patientsColloquium by Dr. M. Jorge Cardoso, King's College Londong Abstract: The London AI Centre partner hospitals provide care to 1/4th of the UK...27 July 2021|VeranstaltungMathematical Neuroscientist appointed Nucleus ProfessorProf. Dr. Stefano Panzeri has joined Universität Hamburg as a nucleus professor. With its calls for applications for these professorships, the...16 July 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Statistics and Machine Learning for Speech EnhancementColloquium by Prof. Dr. Matthias Schulte and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Timo Gerkmann Friday, 16 July 10:00, Zoom Meeting Inaugural Lecture Colloquium ...8 July 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Invertible Neural Networks and their Applications in the SciencesColloquium by Prof. Ullrich Köthe, Visual Learning Lab, University of Heidelberg Thursday, 8 July 2021 14:00, Zoom Meeting Abstract: Invertible...24 June 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Geometric Deep Learning: From Euclid to Drug DesignColloquium by Prof. Michael Bronstein, Professor for Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition, Imperial College London Thursday, 24 June 2021 14:00...16 June 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: Learning 6D Object Pose from Point CloudsAbstract Knowing the 6D pose of an object is a prerequisite for robotic applications such as grasping and manipulation. Majority of existing...15 June 2021|VeranstaltungPhD Defense: MR Pharmacy: Development and Evaluation of Therapeutic Mixed Reality ApplicationsAbstract Mixed reality (MR) technologies including virtual and augmented realities have enormous potentials for clinical applications. This...2 June 2021|VeranstaltungICRA 2021 plenary talk: Behavior AI: Robot Cognitive Learning from Agent to BcentICRA 2021 plenary talk: Behaviour AI: Robot Cognitive Learning from Agent to Bcent Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fuchun Sun, Tsinghua University Wednesday, 02...1 June 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: Cross-Modal Sensor Data Acquisition and ProcessingKolloquium des Dekanats Elektrotechnik, Informatik und Mathematik der Technischen Universität Hamburg Das Studiendekanat Elektrotechnik, Informatik...21 May 2021|VeranstaltungCML researchers at 2021 Sino-EU ConferenceCML researchers presented at the Sino-EU Conference on Intelligent Robots and Automation The Sino-EU Conference on Intelligent Robots and...20 May 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: A Mathematical Perspective of Machine LearningColloquium by Prof. Weinan E, Princeton University and Peking University Thursday, 20 May 2021 14:00, Zoom Meeting Abstract: The heart of...19 May 2021|VeranstaltungColloquium: The Case Against Facial RecognitionColloquium by Prof. Dr. Woodrow Hartzog (Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA) Wednesday, 19 May 2021 18:00, Webinar Abstract: Facial...More articles