Colloquium: Collaborative Learning, Tutoring and Robotics – Through the Lens of Computer Science Education
9 November 2020
Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Sandra Schulz, University of Hamburg
Mo, 09 November 2020, 17:15, Zoom Meeting
Zoom Meeting ID: 937 3517 4299, passwd: 873035
In my talk I will present a variety of different ongoing research projects. One of which encompasses collaborative learning in programming courses. First, students and lecturers were interviewed to figure out the situation regarding collaborative learning and guidance in universities. One goal is to analyze teamwork patterns of students and to compare them with successful open source projects to improve collaborative learning in universities.
Another part of my work focusses on robotics and physical computing in schools. Nowadays these devices are common in schools, but oftentimes without educational concepts and less support for students and teachers. Hence, the development of learner models seems to be an appropriate starting point to support on different levels.
BioSandra Schulz holds a Master of Education degree in computer science and physical education from the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. She finished her PhD under the supervision of Niels Pinkwart at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in 2018. Thereafter, she worked as a teacher for computer science and physical education in Berlin and as a post-doc in the DiP-IT project.
Since September 2020 she holds the position of professor at the University of Hamburg. Her present research is focused on learning devices like robots and physical computing devices to enhance computer science competences. Therefore, she observes the process of handling physical computing devices and support this process by tutoring systems. A learner model for this system is developed and will be improved by using artificial intelligence.