ICRA 2021 plenary talk: Behavior AI: Robot Cognitive Learning from Agent to Bcent
2 June 2021
ICRA 2021 plenary talk: Behaviour AI: Robot Cognitive Learning from Agent to Bcent
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Fuchun Sun, Tsinghua University
Wednesday, 02 June 2021 01:10, Zoom Meeting
Abstract: Humans are able to realize their intelligent behavior in the complex environment. The core reason is that human can continuously interact with the environment through perception and behavior, and then achieve development, thereby continuously improving the high-level cognitive ability. However, this ability is exactly what the current robots lack and it has become a bottleneck of the improvement of robotic intelligence. In most current research, the robot is usually modeled as agent with sensing, reasoning and action as its core components. But the mapping from perception to action is often one-way and static, and the physical structure and dynamic process of the perception and behavior are ignored. Therefore, we put forward a new concept “Bcent”, short for Brain body co-development, which regards perception and behavior as two physical processes that are physically structured and coordinate with each other under the command of brain cognitive body. It is a unity of learning, cooperation and promotion composed of sensing, cognitive learning and action. In this talk, it firstly presents the establishment of the non-Markov process theoretical framework for robot perception and decision-making. Specifically, we introduce the theoretical methods and functional realization of the Perceptive-Body, Cognitive- Body and Behavior-Body in detail, and then present our main research results of the multimodal perception, behavior based active perception and imitation learning. The talk will also include applications of these theoretical methods in the perception and operation of UAVs, machine assembly operation on the production line, etc. Finally, the development trend of Bcent-based behavior AI is prospected.
Biography: Dr. Fuchun Sun is professor of Department of Computer Science and Technology, President of Academic Committee of the Department, Tsinghua University, and deputy director of State Key Lab. of Intelligent Technology & Systems, Beijing, China. He serves as Vice Chairman of Chinese Association for Artificial Intelligence and Executive Director of Chinese Association for Automation. His research interests include robotic perception and skill learning,Cross-modal Learning and intelligent control. He has won the Champion of Autonomous Grasp Challenges in IROS2016 and IROS 2019. He is elected as IEEE Fellow and CAAI Fellow in 2019, CAA Fellow in 2020.
Dr. Sun is the recipient of the excellent Doctoral Dissertation Prize of China in 2000 by MOE of China and the Choon-Gang Academic Award by Korea in 2003, and was recognized as a Distinguished Young Scholar in 2006 by the Natural Science Foundation of China. He served as associated editor of IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks and Learning Systems during 2006-2010, IEEE Trans. On Fuzzy Systems since 2011, IEEE Trans. on Cognitive and Development Systems since 2018 and IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems since 2015.
Further information can be found on the ICRA 2021 website.