Colloquium: Learning across 16 million patients
23 September 2021
Colloquium by Dr. M. Jorge Cardoso, King's College Londong
Abstract: The London AI Centre partner hospitals provide care to 1/4th of the UK population. King’s College London, jointly with Imperial College and Queen Mary University of London, is building an AI and big-data infrastructure across 10 hospital trusts to deliver the vision of AI-enabled care. The infrastructure, built with privacy in mind, enables all clinical data (i.e. imaging, genetics, blood, pharmacy, interventions, medical decisions, costs) to be used for research, clinical and operational purposes, allowing algorithms to be trained on clinical data without the data ever leaving the hospital.
In order to achieve this, we have built a large computing infrastructure within each hospital with the help of NVIDIA, and a centralised orchestration system to enable federated learning across multiple hospitals. This infrastructure has great potential for real-world impact, not only because it will enable access to data, but also because it aims to bring together large companies and early-stage start-ups (Industry), clinicians (hospitals), and scientists (university) into the same ecosystem.
Thursday, 23 September 2021, 16:00, Zoom Meeting
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