Colloquium: Optogenetic neural implants realized using MEMS technologies
22 June 2022
Colloquium by Dr. Patrick Ruther, Dept. of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK), University of Freiburg
Abstract: Optogenetic neural implants realized using MEMS technologies
The presentation will discuss recent developments on MEMS-based neural implants for optogenetic studies. Aside from integrated optoelectronic light sources, i.e. light-emitting diodes (LED), optical tools based on glass fibers combined with microelectrodes for electrophysiological recordings as well as microfluidic channels for the administration of viral vectors, will be discussed. While the optical devices with micro LEDs having a footprint as small as 60x60 µm are applied in optical cochlear implants targeting a translational goal, fiber-based implants clearly focus basic neuroscientific research.
Further information about the speaker can be found here:
Date and time: Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 11:00-12:30, Zoom meeting.
Please contact S. Trautmann (SFB 936) at UKE for access information.