Colloquium: From Genomics to Systems Medicine
4 July 2022
Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Jan Baumbach, Hamburg
Abstract: From Genomes to Systems Medicine
Large-scale omics data analyzed by artificial intelligence (AI) technology is finding its way into the clinic to revolutionize our approach to medicine as a whole. Beyond personalized medicine, AI-driven medical data profiling is leaving massive footprints - from drug repurposing to a mechanistic redefinition of diseases. To move away from organ- and symptom-based disease descriptors to clinically actionable mechanistic approaches, computational systems and network medicine emerged. We will introduce the field, discuss current approaches and pitfalls as well as potential future avenues. While we first focus on breast cancer to illustrate the principles of systems/network medicine - as a running example - along the talk, we will change our focus to arbitrary diseases to demonstrate the potential and scalability of the field and our own work.
Date and time: Monday, 04th July 2022, 17:15, Konrad-Zuse Hörsaal, Informatikum Stellingen (Vogt-Kölln-Str. 30, 22527 Hamburg)