Colloquium: Linking actions to their sensory outcome
2 September 2022
Colloquium by Prof. Dr. Roy Mukamel, Tel-Aviv University
Abstract: Successful performance of a goal-directed action requires correct mapping between the performed action, and its expected consequences in the environment. However, this mapping is non-trivial given that depending on context, similar actions (and corresponding motor commands) can result in different outcomes, and similar outcomes can be achieved by completely different actions.
In my talk I will describe behavioral and neuroimaging data demonstrating bi-directional interactions by which actions shape our perception, and how expected sensory consequences shape the kinetics of the triggering action. Finally, I will discuss how such results may hold clinical relevance for harnessing the motor system for perceptual rehabilitation.
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Date and time: Sep 2nd 2022, 11:00 - 12:30, Physiology Lecture Hall, Building N43, UKE